Locating Your Company’s Information

It is critical to know how to find you company’s information to ensure that what GSA has on file is truly accurate. Your home base for your contract is going to be GSA Elibrary. When you go to this webpage, first search for your company’s name in the search bar, and then click on it. This will bring you to a synopsis of your contract. You will find on the left side of the screen your company name, address, contract #, DUNS#, Primary NAICS code, web address, and the contract administrator’s email. This email is the main avenue GSA will take to communicate with your company about your contract. On the right hand side you will your Procurement Contracting Officer’s information, along with any set asides that you have on file with GSA. If you have a concern about your contract, you will be emailing the CO that is listed on this screen.

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Transactional Data Reporting Program

The TDR program is available for a handful of SINs, which can be seen here, under the second tab, column R. If you have just one of these SINs that are marked eligible for TDR inclusion, you have the option to opt in for your entire contract. This program means your contract will switch over to monthly sales reporting, wherein you will report sales under each SIN and provide 11 unique data points for each sale. This will include items such as manufacturer name, unit of measurement, etc. It is essentially a more specific sales reporting than you have executed in the past. The vendor can choose whether to continue remitting the IFF quarterly, or to pay it monthly alongside the sales reporting.

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Price Reduction Clause

A quick rule of thumb: If your pricing decreases in any way, let GSA know right away. GSA mandates that they receive the absolute lowest pricing on all your products and services. If you have a special customer that receives a particularly low price, lower than all your other commercial customers, you will need to give GSA a discount off even those rates. That special customer, is called your Most Favored Customer.

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What is the MAS Consolidation?

The MAS Consolidation has left many vendors confused- and rightfully so! There were a lot of changes that happened very quickly, so let’s break this down. GSA took the previously existing 24 separate GSA schedules (which were broken down by industry- Professional Services, Information Technology, etc.) and combined them into one all inclusive schedule. All previously existing SINs have been completely overhauled as well to a new system that more closely matches NAICS codes. Some SINs were given just a facelift with a new number and title, while others have been combined, or deleted altogether. If you are curious what legacy SINs were mapped to, or what new SINs you might be interested in adding to your schedule, you can look up GSA’s crosswalk here.

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Switching your EPA Mechanism

Good news! You absolutely can. Most vendors choose an EPA Method that they perhaps maybe didn’t fully understand when they got their contract. This does not mean you are doomed to live out the rest of your contract under an EPA clause that does not suit you. You can also have different EPA clauses tied to different SINs or choose one that applies to the entire contract.

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Is a GSA Schedule right for me?

This is an important question to consider when mulling over the pros and cons of a GSA Schedule- as not every single company can benefit from having one...Acquiring a GSA Schedule is a big commitment for your business, and we understand that, and are here to help you every single (tedious, government, sometimes exhausting..) step of the way.

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Which EPA Mechanism should you use?

GSA will ask you to identify which EPA Mechanism you will be utilizing for the lifespan of your contract: either Clause 552.216-70 Economic Price Adjustment—Multiple Award Schedule Contracts or Clause I-FSS-969 Economic Price Adjustment- FSS Multiple Award Schedule, below is a breakdown of both along with the implications that will hold for your contract.

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