MAS Refresh 23
GSA is issuing the latest Refresh (# 23) to the MAS Solicitation via Mass Mod in December 2024. Vendors have until March 31, 2025 to respond.
Here is an overview of the changes that will be implemented in this refresh:
A: Changes to Overall MAS Solicitation:
Updated Service Contract Labor Standards (SCLS) Wage Determinations
Updated Price Proposal Templates
Incorporate clause and provision updates, as necessary, through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2025-01 and GSAR Change 192 (except Change 187)
Incorporates a new provision and clause to identify single-use plastic free packaging availability for products
Incorporate clause FAR 52.240-1 Prohibition on Unmanned Aircraft Systems Manufactured or Assembled by American Security Drone Act - Covered Foreign Entities (NOV 2024)
B: Changes to Specific Large Category, Subcategory or SIN:
All Large Categories
Add additional language to “Drones/Unmanned Aircraft Systems” under “General Information” section
Office Management (A)
Office Supplies Subcategory (A09): Revisions to SINs 339940 - Office Products, 339940OS4 OS4 Office Products and Supplies,339940OVER OS4 Overseas Office Products and Supplies & 339940SVC Office Supply Support Services
Facilities (B):
Facilities Maintenance and Repair Subcategory (B01): Revisions to SIN 561210FAC - Facilities Maintenance and Management
Furniture and Furnishings (C):
Packaged Furniture Subcategory (C07): Revision to Packaged Office Subcategory SINs
Industrial Products (E):
Hardware & Tools Subcategory (E04): Revision to SIN 332510S - Hardware Store, Home Improvement Center, Industrial or General Supply Store, or Industrial Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO) Distributor - Store Front
Industrial Products Subcategory (E05): Revisions to SINs 335220D Domestic Appliances & 335220E Export Appliances
Information Technology (F):
IT Services Subcategory (F03): Revision to SIN 54151HACS Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS)
IT Solutions Subcategory (F05): Revisions to required templates under SIN 518210FM Financial Management Quality Service Management Office (FM QSMO) Core Financial Management (FM) Solutions and IT Professional Services
Telecommunications (F07): Revisions to SIN 517312 Wireless Mobility Solutions
Transportation and Logistics Services (K):
Motor Vehicles (non-Combat) Subcategory (K02): Revisions to SINs 532112 Leasing of Passenger Cars, SUVs, Vans and Light Trucks, 336212 Trailers and Attachments & 3361V Vocational Vehicles
Travel (L):
Travel Agent and Misc. Services Subcategory (L03): Revisions to SIN 561510 - Travel Agent Services
C: Changes to Modification and mass modification guidance:
Revisions to Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Modification Guide on
As always if you have any questions regarding these updates or about the general management of your GSA contract, please don’t hesitate to reach out to
If you would like to see GSA’s post about this on Interact please pop here:
Mass Mod Portal linked here: