MAS Refresh 20

GSA is issuing the latest Refresh (# 20) to the MAS Solicitation via Mass Mod in April 2024.

Here is an overview of the changes that will be implemented in this refresh:

A: Changes to Overall MAS Solicitation: 

  1. Implement various revisions to SCP-FSS-001 Instructions Applicable to All Offerors 

  2. Add note to clause I-FSS-600, Contract Price Lists 

  3. Implement various changes to the Offer and Modification Price Proposal Templates (PPTs)

  4. Incorporate clause and provision updates, as necessary, through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2024-04 and GSAR Change 178

  5. Letter of Supply

B: Changes to Specific Large Category, Subcategory or SIN:

  1. Facilities (B):

    1. Facilities Services (B02): Revision to SIN 561730 - Grounds Maintenance

  2. Furniture & Furnishings (C):

    1. Add note to Large Category Instructions, specifically under General Requirements 

  3. Information Technology (F):

    1. IT Services Subcategory (F03): Add SIN instructions to SIN 54151HACS - Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS)

    2. IT Solutions Subcategory (F05): Update requirements for SIN 518210FM - Financial Management Quality Service Management Office (FM QSMO) Core Financial Management (FM) Solutions and IT Professional Services 

  4. Miscellaneous (G):

    1. Complementary SINs Subcategory (G06): Update OLM SIN instructions

  5. Professional Services (H):

    1. Environmental Services Subcategory (H02): Add statement to Subcategory instructions

    2. Revise SINs 541620 - Environmental Consulting Services, 562910REM - Environmental Remediation Services and 562910RMI - Environmental Remediation Services - Multiple Industries

  6. Transportation and Logistics Services (K):

    1. Transportation of Things Subcategory (K05): Revise Statement of Works (SOW) for SINs 481211B - Air Charter Services - Brokers & 481211O - Air Charter Services - Owner Operated

As always if you have any questions regarding these updates or about the general management of your GSA contract, please don’t hesitate to reach out at


If you would like to see GSA’s post about this mass mod please pop here:

Hannah StrussComment