Updated Sales Criteria

GSA has recently updated their sales criteria for existing MAS contractors according to clause I-FSS-639, Contract Sales Criteria, wherein existing contractors must hit $100,000 in sales through their contract in the first option period (5 years), and $125,000 for each option period thereafter.

This allows more time for contractors to acclimate to the marketplace and secure sales over time, rather than canceling contracts who did not meet the old criteria of $25,000 in the first 2 years and $25,000 for each year thereafter. This new sales criteria is already in effect and can be viewed either on GSA’s website, or in the official MAS Solicitation which can be found here: https://eoffer.gsa.gov/util/publishedsolicitationutil?solicitationNumber=47QSMD20R0001&refreshAmendNumber=0020&scheduleNumber=MAS&solicitationType=SCHEDULES&isMas=Y

As always if you have any questions regarding these updates or about the general management of your GSA contract, please don’t hesitate to reach out to info@elevategsa.com.

If you would like to see this clause referenced on GSA’s page please pop here: https://www.gsa.gov/buy-through-us/purchasing-programs/multiple-award-schedule/help-with-mas-contracts-to-sell-to-government/requirements-after-getting-a-mas-contract

Hannah StrussComment