Final Proposal Revision Letter

As you navigate the GSA process, there are many twists and turns you may have not foreseen! Our goal is to cover as many of these hurdles as possible so it is not brand new to you when it arises. After clarifications and negotiations conclude, your contracting officer will request something called a Final Proposal Revision Letter. This document will either be a blank template that your CO sends for you to fill in and return, or a pre filled in document that you need to review, sign and return. It just depends on your CO!

This document will reflect the terms and conditions of your contract, as they were negotiated with your Contracting Officer. This document will include the following:

·        The agreed  upon EPA Clause tied to your contract, along with any relevant specifics (i.e. the annual percentage increase for a build out, etc.)

·        Basic Discount to Most Favored Customer and  GSA

·        Quantity Discount

·        Payment Terms

·        Freight on Board

·        Expedited Delivery

·        Warranty Information

·        Minimum Order

·        Other Concessions as Applicable

·        Statement affirming understanding of Sales Reporting and Industrial Funding Fee Remittance obligations

·        Declaration of MFC/Basis of Award Customer

·        Statement affirming understanding of the Price Reduction Clause and associated implications

·        Contract Administrator designation

·        Affirmation of an auditable accounting system

·        Declares the Commercial Price list document and Price Proposal Template for which the contract is based on

·        Statement of compliance with the Trade Agreement Act

·        Statement of compliance with the Service Contract Labor Standards

·        Subcontracting compliance statement

·        Acceptance of all terms and conditions associated with the current MAS Refresh

Read this document carefully and check it against your own notes from the negotiations call/emails especially if it was filled out on your behalf! This is nonreversible and critical for it to be accurate and complete. Retain this document for your records.

As always if you have any questions regarding the general management of your GSA contract, please don’t hesitate to reach out to

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