What is a Mass Mod?

Many contractors find themselves confused parsing apart GSA jargon, especially when it comes to mods. So let’s break this down:

Mass Mods are essentially a notification to all GSA contract holders that there have been updates to the general solicitation which may include adding new SINs, deleting others, updating templates, changing language in SIN descriptions etc. All vendors must log into the Mass Mod portal and accept these changes to continue holding a GSA contract. Each Mass Mod has a deadline vendors must accept by, or your contract may be suspended. If a company has outstanding Mass Mods, it will prevent your Contracting Officer from approving any formal modification requests submitted in the eMod portal.

Formal Modification requests are typically initiated by the GSA contract holder to make an adjustment to their individual contract. These requests can be any of the following: adding/deleting an authorized negotiator, adding or deleting products/services, requesting a price increase, etc. These require the vendor to draw up a specific set of documentation on GSA’s templates and submitting for the CO to review and either approve or reject.

As always if you have any questions about the general management of your GSA contract, please don’t hesitate to reach out to info@elevategsa.com.

Helpful links:

Mass Mod Portal: https://mcm.fas.gsa.gov/cmservlet/massMods/initialView.htm;jsessionid=WlIl9yOWukU_qbg8aFqNNCGFgfL4y4s_jOB_gY-4.massmods74


eMod Portal: https://www.eoffer.gsa.gov/

Hannah StrussComment