Federal Marketing Plan

If you are currently in the process of pulling together a GSA proposal, you will see that eOffer prompts you to describe your company’s federal marketing plan inside the Corporate Experience section. This may feel daunting at first, but GSA wants to see that you have a plan in place and are thinking about how you intend to secure sales once you are an established GSA vendor.

This doesn’t have to be lengthy- a paragraph or so can do and may include (but is not limited to)  any of the following strategies:

·        Posting the GSA logo on your website along with a link to your public facing catalog in eLibrary

·        Posting on social media regarding your recent acquisition of a GSA contract

·        Leveraging current federal client relationships to move procurements of your services over to the GSA schedule

·        Networking with other small businesses who are successful GSA contractors to either enter into a teaming agreement, or a prime/subcontracting relationship

·        Attending GSA events to forge relationships with potential clients, as well as other businesses in your industry

·        Hiring, or designating a person to check eBuy and diligently respond to RFP’s/RFQ’s that are relevant to your company

Again, it doesn’t need to be lengthy, GSA just needs to see you have thought about this, as sales will not just fall into your lap once you have a contract. You will need to have a thought out plan in place to execute once your contract is awarded.

As always if you have any questions regarding this topic or about the general management of your GSA contract, please don’t hesitate to reach out to info@elevategsa.com.

Hannah StrussComment