FAS Catalog Platform

GSA has begun rolling out the FAS Catalog Platform (FCP), a web based platform that will replace the Schedule Input Program (SIP). (hooray!!)

The FCP pilot began with contractors holding the Office Supplies 4th Generation (OS4) Special Item Number (SIN) and will run through the end of the fiscal year. The pilot will be followed by a phased transition of all Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contractors, starting with MAS product catalogs.  This will be a multi-year project, and SIP will officially be retired once all users are moved over to the new system! Contractors interested in moving to FCP should fill out the FCP transition form to provide key catalog information. *Note. This must be filled out by an employee of the company, not a third party or consultant*

FCP will include the following features:

  • Automated business rules, data validations, and system notifications to provide contractors near-real-time feedback on submissions.

  • Automated Compliance & Pricing (C&P) Report helps contractors establish and maintain compliant and competitive catalogs.

  • Shared user interface with GSA contracting officer and Vendor Support Center (VSC) help desk support provides insight to action statuses and enables the VSC to assist users more effectively.

  • Central view for Authorized Negotiators with all catalog actions and a downloadable version of last-approved catalog makes it easier for contractors to manage catalog details.

  • Automated publishing to GSA Advantage! through integration with eMod reduces data entry for contractors and improves catalog quality for customers.

You can read the GSA interact post here.

As always if you have any questions about these changes or general contract management please don’t hesitate to reach out at info@elevategsa.com.