Joint Venture Requirements

Joint Ventures are eligible to submit for a GSA contract, however there are some additional requirements to fulfill in your proposal, as well as some work arounds for vendors without the years of experience necessary to apply for a contract.

If your JV has less than two years of corporate experience, you are eligible to submit under the Springboard Program which means you can utilize the following caveats in your proposal:

·        Use your executives and key professionals experience to substitute for two years of corporate experience

·        Use key personnel project experience to substitute for relevant project experience

·        Provide financial documentation that demonstrates your company's financial responsibility instead of submitting two years of financial statements. You may also want to include Profit/Loss Statements as well as Balance Sheets for the past two years for each of the managing partners.

If your JV is specifically a Mentor- Protégé set up then you will need to adhere to the following guidelines:

·        Appendix B of the JV Solicitation attachment must be filled out

·        The Protégé must have at least one customer reference included in the surveys or at least one CPAR

·        The Protégé has to provide at least one of the project experiences for one of the SINs offered.

·        In the Cover Letter designate who is the mentor and who is the protégé.

If you are a regular Joint Venture and meet all the typical requirements to submit for a GSA contract, here are some additional items to submit with your proposal to expedite review:

·        In the Cover Letter make sure to explain that this is a Joint Venture. List  each of the JV Partners, and if applicable their GSA Contract numbers.

·        Include the I-FSS-600 Pricelist specific to JV’s. Instructions can be found in the solicitation.

·        If the JV is unpopulated: In the Price Proposal Template, under Vendor Name be sure to place whichever managing partner is providing that product or service. Each JV Partner must be proposing labor categories.

·        The CSP document must be filled out not only for the JV, but an additional copy must be provided specific to each managing partner.

·        Include each JV Partners financials (Past 2 years of Profit/Loss and Balance Sheets)

·        Uncompensated Overtime Policy must be filled out for the JV, as well as a copy for each JV Partner

·        Employee Handbooks or Professional Compensation Plans must be provided not only for the JV, but each managing partners as well

·        Invoices can be utilized from either JV partner as pricing support


A JV proposal is definitely a heavy lift, but entirely doable! If you are in the midst of preparing a JV proposal and feeling a bit overwhelmed, give us a shout!

As always if you have any questions about the topic covered here, or about the general management of your GSA contract, please don’t hesitate to reach out to

Hannah StrussComment