Posts tagged emod
Locating Your Company’s Information

It is critical to know how to find you company’s information to ensure that what GSA has on file is truly accurate. Your home base for your contract is going to be GSA Elibrary. When you go to this webpage, first search for your company’s name in the search bar, and then click on it. This will bring you to a synopsis of your contract. You will find on the left side of the screen your company name, address, contract #, DUNS#, Primary NAICS code, web address, and the contract administrator’s email. This email is the main avenue GSA will take to communicate with your company about your contract. On the right hand side you will your Procurement Contracting Officer’s information, along with any set asides that you have on file with GSA. If you have a concern about your contract, you will be emailing the CO that is listed on this screen.

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