9 - Sales Reporting


Failing to report your sales and remit your IFF payments to GSA can easily get you into some hot water with GSA.  Check out the episode to find out where, when, and how much to pay GSA to keep your contract in sales compliance.

If you have any questions, or requests for a future episode, please feel free to reach out to us at podcast@elevategsa.com.  

Or if you’d like direct support from a GSA consultant to help with a specific project, reach out to us at info@elevategsa.com.

Episode Notes:

TDR: Transactional Data Reporting Program

Monthly/quarterly Reporting: https://srp.fas.gsa.gov/

FAS Training Guide: https://srp.fas.gsa.gov/portal/training/

GSA Quarters (Sales due 30 days after the close of each quarter):

  1. Jan 1 -March 31

  2. April 1-June 30

  3. July 1-Sept 30

  4. Oct. 1-Dec 31