32 - MAS Refresh 11 and 12

GSA has issued updates to the MAS Solicitation for all GSA contract holders. The updates include the addition of a new IT SIN, changes to Startup Springboard as well ad new variations on the implementation of the COVID-19 Safety Protocols. Hop into the episode to see how this might effect you and your contract!

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27 - MAS Refresh 8 - COVID-19 Safety Protocols

Mass Refresh 8 to the MAS Consolidated GSA solicitation is currently being rolled out to contractors. This refresh is in direct response to an Executive Order issued on September 9th, 2021 mandating COVID Safety Protocols for all federal contractors. If you're curious about what is included and if it applies to you, hop into the episode!

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26 - Unique Entity ID (UEI) Number and MAS Refresh 7

GSA is replacing DUNS numbers with their own Unique Entity ID starting in April 2022.
Additionally, GSA is issuing MAS Refresh 7 to the MAS solicitation which will change some SIN descriptions and requirements, as well as issue updates to some of the documentation required to execute modifications. Connect to the episode to find out how to get your new UEI assignment and how the upcoming refresh affects your company.

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24 - Commercial Sales Practices (CSP-1)

As a GSA contract holder, the Commercial Sales Practices (CSP-1) document holds some critical information about the way your GSA contract effects the way you’re allowed to do commercial business. It’s essential to understand this short document to make sure you’re in compliance. Hop into the episode to hear our notes about how it works.

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