Posts tagged modification
62 - What's Going on Inside GSA

I am sure you have heard that the current administration is making pretty big changes inside GSA. It can feel scary and overwhelming - but we aren't going anywhere. We will be here to support you through this and get to the other side. 

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61 - Commercial Sales Practices (CSP) Caveats

The Commercial Sales Practices (CSP) document is filled with standard yes/no answers and prewritten clauses, but did you know you could add in some of your own terms?  Lots of your previous business arrangements can be disclosed here to free you from future headaches during an assessment or audit.  Hop into the episode to find out more.

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26 - Unique Entity ID (UEI) Number and MAS Refresh 7

GSA is replacing DUNS numbers with their own Unique Entity ID starting in April 2022.
Additionally, GSA is issuing MAS Refresh 7 to the MAS solicitation which will change some SIN descriptions and requirements, as well as issue updates to some of the documentation required to execute modifications. Connect to the episode to find out how to get your new UEI assignment and how the upcoming refresh affects your company.

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